We love words. Long words. Short words. 50 cent words. We like to say words, record words, yell words, type words, text words, and sometimes sing words. Occasionally we have to eat our words. They tasted like chicken.

Here you will find words from MPWRPeople superheroes that will educate, uplift, and, hopefully, catalyze action.

Six Things Your Organization Can Do to Combat February Funk

Image of Tiffany Joy Greene, M.B.A (aka Manic Maple)
Tiffany Joy Greene, M.B.A (aka Manic Maple)

January launched the new year with enthusiasm and gravitas for your business's goals. However, by...

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What does it mean to be customer centric?

Joe Romello & Tiffany Joy Greene, MBA

What does it mean to be customer-centric?

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Ten Things All Small Organizations Should Be Doing in December

Image of Tiffany Joy Greene, M.B.A (aka Manic Maple)
Tiffany Joy Greene, M.B.A (aka Manic Maple)

As Madeleine L'Engle said, "A new year can begin only because the old year ends." So, before you...

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Subkit Article: Evolve Together - MPWRSource

Image of Tiffany Joy Greene, M.B.A (aka Manic Maple)
Tiffany Joy Greene, M.B.A (aka Manic Maple)

Joe Romello, partner and senior consultant for MPWRSource was asked a few questions for a Subkit...

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Small Business Mergers & Acquisitions Impact Workplace Cultures

Image of Tiffany Joy Greene, M.B.A (aka Manic Maple)
Tiffany Joy Greene, M.B.A (aka Manic Maple)

For many small businesses, acquisitions serve as an imperative growth strategy to expand their...

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The absolute minimum software requirement for any organization

Image of Tiffany Joy Greene, M.B.A (aka Manic Maple)
Tiffany Joy Greene, M.B.A (aka Manic Maple)

Regardless of the size of your business, from solopreneur to multiple employee organization, there...

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Ecosystems Support and Guide Small Businesses in Navigating Basic Business Functions

Image of Tiffany Joy Greene, M.B.A (aka Manic Maple)
Tiffany Joy Greene, M.B.A (aka Manic Maple)

All organizations must continually evolve and innovate to survive and thrive, and a business...

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Post-mortem tales from the executive roundtable.

Joe Romello

From the dawn of time, ego has dismantled relationships, families, countries, governments,...

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Ten Warning Signs a Small Business Owner Operates From Ego

Image of Tiffany Joy Greene, M.B.A (aka Manic Maple)
Tiffany Joy Greene, M.B.A (aka Manic Maple)

All too often I have witnessed ego stand in the way of an organization's achievement of growth....

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Ecosystems:  A community of resources.

Tiffany Joy Greene, MBA & Joe Romello

To paraphrase a well-known African proverb, "it takes a village to raise a child", it also takes a...

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