We love words. Long words. Short words. 50 cent words. We like to say words, record words, yell words, type words, text words, and sometimes sing words. Occasionally we have to eat our words. They tasted like chicken.

Here you will find words from MPWRPeople superheroes that will educate, uplift, and, hopefully, catalyze action.

Ecosystems Support and Guide Small Businesses in Navigating Basic Business Functions

Image of Tiffany Joy Greene, M.B.A (aka Manic Maple)
Tiffany Joy Greene, M.B.A (aka Manic Maple)

All organizations must continually evolve and innovate to survive and thrive, and a business...

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Post-mortem tales from the executive roundtable.

Joe Romello

From the dawn of time, ego has dismantled relationships, families, countries, governments,...

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Ten Warning Signs a Small Business Owner Operates From Ego

Image of Tiffany Joy Greene, M.B.A (aka Manic Maple)
Tiffany Joy Greene, M.B.A (aka Manic Maple)

All too often I have witnessed ego stand in the way of an organization's achievement of growth....

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Ecosystems:  A community of resources.

Tiffany Joy Greene, MBA & Joe Romello

To paraphrase a well-known African proverb, "it takes a village to raise a child", it also takes a...

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What can solo consultants or small consultancies learn from The BIG Consultancies?

Joe Romello

The large consultant companies, Accenture, Deloitte, PwC, Grant Thornton, etc. provide the same...

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Common Practices to Grow a Consulting Business

Image of Tiffany Joy Greene, M.B.A (aka Manic Maple)
Tiffany Joy Greene, M.B.A (aka Manic Maple)

Consulting businesses are in the business of solving problems for their clients.  According to ...

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Retaining Employees With Branding

Image of Tiffany Joy Greene, M.B.A (aka Manic Maple)
Tiffany Joy Greene, M.B.A (aka Manic Maple)

Employee retention and staff turnover are increasing problems for all organizations, big and small....

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Evaluating Technology

Joe Romello

You need to have your people, processes, and data identified before you begin selecting your...

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Chesterfield Chamber Article - Brand Strategy: The Foundation of an Organization

Image of Tiffany Joy Greene, M.B.A (aka Manic Maple)
Tiffany Joy Greene, M.B.A (aka Manic Maple)

MPWRSource is a proud member of the Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce. I was happy to share some...

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Building a Business Out of Strategy

Joe Romello

You spent countless hours in thought, market research, analysis, and conversations to adopt a brand...

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