New advisors bring expertise and passion for educating and connecting micro and small businesses, nonprofits, and leaders to empower the people they serve.
Chesterfield, VA – May 8, 2023 — MPWRPeople announces the appointment of twelve new advisors to the advisory council.
MPWRPeople’s advisory council provides guidance and support on educational courses and programming. Each advisor offers two courses per year to MPWRPeople members on their subject matter expertise, and they offer advice to MPWRPeople and its members. Advisors on the advisory council include:
- Brian Kinzie, MBA, SHRM-SCP, Owner of Tinker HR and HR expert says, “I was delighted to have the opportunity to work with MPWRPeople. Two things initially drew me to being a part of the team. First, the mission of MPWRPeople to serve the small business and nonprofit community matched really well with my own company’s goals. So many organizations struggle because they need “back office” support in a wide variety of areas, and MPWRPeople brings them that group of experts. Second, and perhaps most importantly, is the team that Tiffany has pulled together. It’s a great group of people who can really step in and be a valuable resource.”
- Carolyn Herbert, Owner of Herbert’s Wine Jelly and special education, including behavioral health, expert, says, “I believe in MPWRPeople and the commitment to help others improve themselves. As part of the Advisory Council, I hope to support projects, lessons, and other activities that give back to business owners and others in the community. Together we are stronger!!”
- David Dallaire, Owner of Fennec Group and marketing expert, says, “After keeping my own business afloat for over 10 years now and through the pandemic when almost anything could have happened, I want to give back and mentor those looking to build something for themselves without a manual and to provide expertise, advice, and if possible, the confidence to make it happen.”
- Joe Romello, business transformation consultant with MPWRSource and Honorary Advisor of Directors Emeritus with MPWRPeople
- John Rabil, owner of Launch and small business and nonprofit legal expert says, “I joined the MPWRPeople Advisory Council as a way to collaborate with professionals from different industries also serving the small business community and learn from them. I was particularly drawn to the opportunity to help advise and educate small business owners who may not regularly have access to the services and advice offered through MPWRPeople programs and as a way to give back to the community MPWRPeople is building.”
- Kaisha McCrea, MBA, ACC, CCTC, owner of Growing Perspectives Career Consulting, LLC, and leadership expert, says “I chose to serve on the MPWRPeople Advisory Council based on its mission and the current programs it provides. I am excited about future opportunities this organization will provide to small business owners. I have experience first-hand leading peer group coaching for MPWRForum and enjoy working with the leaders of MPWRPeople and align with the vision of their organization.”
- Shannon Loy, owner of the Social Ginger and social media expert says, “My decision to serve on the MPWRPeople Advisory Council is fueled by my passion for giving back to fellow entrepreneurs and the community. Just as others supported and guided me on my journey, I am committed to paying it forward. It’s about creating a ripple effect of support, empowerment, and mentorship, to uplift and inspire others to thrive.”
- Stacie Briley-Goodman, owner of Origamic Solutions and operations and process improvement expert, says, “As a small business owner, I understand the challenges of working on my business while working in my business. I also understand the challenge to find reliable support and educational resources to help me understand how to grow my business effectively and efficiently. I chose to serve on the MPWR People Advisory Council because of our shared goal to support and share our expertise and experience with others in the small business community. A great community comes together to help each other for the benefit of all.”
- Tamica Goode, MBA, CPA, owner of Tamica Goode LLC and for-profit and nonprofit accounting and finance expert, says, “I decided to join the Advisory Council because I want to see entrepreneurs succeed! Resources are scarce for small business owners and sometimes having a little extra support is all they need to excel!”
- Patrick Carroll, VP of Sales and Training with Sandler by Focus Business Development, Inc., and sales and training expert, says, “I joined the advisory Council because the vision, mission, and values align with my personal beliefs and professional values. The vision to empower our communities to reach their next levels of success is an opportunity I didn’t want to pass up.”
- Millie Corsoro, Account Executive at Relation Insurance and business insurance expert says, “I joined MPWRPeople’s Advisory Council because I’ve seen the success that owning a business and entrepreneurship can bring to a person’s life. Doing my part means giving back to my community, and MPWRPeople is on a mission to educate the business owners of tomorrow to ensure that success isn’t limited to luck but rather on proper education with professional advisors that help entrepreneurs make their dream businesses come true.”
- Dean Francis, Senior Consultant/Partner of One Bridge Advisors and ERC tax credit and story brand expert says, “I am joining MPWR, because I believe we all perform better when we surround ourselves with people who are going in the same direction. There's no such thing as 'self-made' people. We all need to be empowered. If it weren't for other people who poured into me years ago, I would not have succeeded nearly as much as I have. I think I can bring value in the area of sales, marketing, and leadership, but I'm sure I will receive just as much value or more from others who are part of the MPWR team.”
Currently, MPWRPeople is seeking more subject matter experts to serve on the Advisory Council, including but not limited to experts in grant writing, diversity, equity, and inclusion, and technology.
Please visit the MPWRPeople website,, to find a listing of upcoming courses.
About MPWRPeople
MPWRPeople is a newly formed nonprofit organization in Chesterfield, Virginia, that partners with sponsors, donors, volunteers, and community partners to educate and connect leaders to empower the people, organizations, and communities they serve. MPWRPeople envisions a future where all leaders have access to inclusive education, connection, and advisory support, and where nonprofit and for-profit leaders connect to empower the people, they serve. Members of MPWRPeople are leaders of nonprofit organizations and micro and small businesses, as well as leaders within larger organizations and communities. MPWRPeople offers members new courses each month, open office hours with advisors, events, and special programs that include education, peer group coaching, and peer group advising. To learn more about MPWRPeople or to sponsor, donate, volunteer, or partner email Tiffany Joy Greene, MBA, at or call 804-878-2055 or visit, follow MPWRPeople on LinkedIn or like MPWRPeople on Facebook