Squad Stories

Grading your Efforts for Positive Growth

Written by EJ Phillips | Nov 30, 2020 2:00:00 PM

MPWRSource, powered by HubSpot’s Growth Grader Tool, can help you and your business pinpoint areas of opportunity for you and come up with the best strategy for your business. How are your business’s growth efforts panning out?  Are you getting a good return on your investment?  As we wind down a tumultuous year, it is a good time to reflect upon what has worked and what has not worked so we can come up with the best strategy for marketing efforts for 2021.

We look at each phase of the buyer’s journey and see how your business is fairing in each of the attract, engage, and delight phases. By assigning a grade to each stage of the journey, you will be better able to see what next steps you need to take.  Better yet, MPWRSource can help you fashion the necessary strategy to implement those next steps.

For example, when Word Girl broke down her own Content Marketing Efforts, she learned ways she could improve in each of the stages of the buyer’s journey.  In the attract phase, she discovered that while she’s been successful at providing engaging content to prospective leads and her target market, her team could stand to improve in running targeted ad campaigns. In the engage phase, she learned that her team is great at connecting with leads and nurturing them into customers but could stand to improve in marketing personalization and automation. In the delight phase, she learned that her team could improve the way they can help clients help themselves by providing more on-demand information and resources. She also learned that all of the stages could be improved through automating more of MPWRSource’s internal processes in order to bring greater value to her customers.

By analyzing our current practices and identifying opportunities for growth, we are better able to course correct for the future to ensure that 2021 is on track for growth.  Make sure to reach out to MPWRSource today to find out your business’s Growth Grade using the HubSpot”s Growth Grader tool and receive a FREE customized report!