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Sample Screening Document for Healthcare Practices

Image of EJ Phillips
EJ Phillips

In an effort to protect staff and patients, healthcare practices must now be more diligent than ever when it comes to screening patients as they arrive for care.  Many offices have screening stations outside the practice and with patients waiting in their cars prior to being seen by healthcare providers. Additionally, many providers have returned to using phone calls to confirm appointments rather than relying on other forms of communication such as texts or emails.  This way clinicians can ask screening questions directly to the patient. This step increases safety for all parties and reducing the risk of spread of any infections, be they Covid-19 or something else.Download Crisis Communications eBook

First and foremost, the screening procedure needs to be effectively communicated to patients.  It will be easier to address possible problems if patients know up front that these questions will be asked. Make it clear that all of this screening is not only for the protection of your staff, but also for your patient.


Script to all patients and guests:

To reduce the spread of the coronavirus and protect our patients and staff, we are screening everyone who enters the building. We would like to ask you a few questions and take your temperature.

Ask the following questions: 

  • Have you had a fever or temperature greater than 100.4 within the past 2 days?
  • Do you have a cough, sneezing, sore throat, headache, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing?
  • Have you traveled to INSERT CDC AREAS OF CONCERN HERE
  • Have you been in close contact with anyone who has traveled to areas in the past 14 days?
  • Have you been in close contact with anyone who has or is suspected of having the coronavirus? (close contact is defined as less than 6 feet away for 15 minutes or more)

If the patient or anyone with the patient answers “Yes” to any of the above:

Based on CDC guidelines we are concerned that you might spread the flu or coronavirus. We would like you to return home and remain home.  You should contact your family physician for further advice.  Please contact us and reschedule your appointment after the 14-day window.

If the patient or anyone with the patient answers “No” to any of the above:

Take everyone’s temperature. If anyone’s temperature is over 100.4 F, all are asked to leave and reschedule.

Based on CDC guidelines we are concerned that you might spread the flu or coronavirus. We would like you to return home and remain home.  You should contact your family physician for further advice.  Please contact us and reschedule your appointment after the 14-day window.

If the patient or anyone with the patient refuse to leave:

Ask the patient to wait in their car and inform them that someone will be out to see them shortly. Then notify the office manager.  Please get the make, model and / or licenses plate of the patient’s vehicle.

If the patient is accompanied by more than one person:

To protect patients, providers and staff from the spread of COVID-19, we recommend minimizing the number of people coming into our offices and/or operatories. We ask that patients only bring one additional individual with them to their appointments and/or surgical visits, if possible. 

Please note that this is currently a recommendation, not a mandate; please work with the patient if this is not feasible.

To download a PDF of these questions and screening process, please click here.

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