5 Steps in the Risk Assessment Process
1. Identify the Hazards
Look around your workplace and see what processes or activities could potentially harm your organization. Include all aspects of work, including remote workers and non-routine activities such as repair and maintenance. You should also look at accident/incident reports to determine what hazards have impacted your company in the past.
These include but are not limited to natural disasters (i.e., hurricanes or fires), biological disasters (i.e., pandemics or foodborne illnesses), workplace accidents (i.e., slips, transportation accidents, or mechanical breakdowns), intentional acts (i.e., bomb threats, robbery or strikes), technological hazards (i.e., loss of internet connection or power and cyberattacks), chemical hazards (i.e., asbestos or cleaning fluid spills), mental hazards (i.e., excess workload, sexual harassment, bullying), and interruptions in the supply chain.
2. Determine Who Might be Harmed and How
For every hazard that you identify in step one, think about who will be harmed should the hazard take place.
3. Evaluate the Risks and Take Precautions
Look at your list of potential risks and the effected people. How likely is it that the hazard will occur? How severe will the consequences be should the hazard occur? This evaluation will help you determine where you should reduce the level of risk and which risks should be deemed top priority.
4. Record Your Findings
If you have more than 5 employees in your workplace, you are required by law to write down your risk assessment process. Your plan should include the hazards you’ve found, the people they affect, and how you plan to mitigate all the risks. The record—or the risk assessment plan—should show that you:
- Conducted a proper check of your workplace
- Determined who would be affected
- Controlled and dealt with obvious hazards
- Initiated precautions to keep risks low
- Kept your staff involved in the process
This is a laborious process. We recommend using a specialized compliance specialist, like CentraVance Consulting, to help with this.
5. Review Assessment and Update if Necessary
Your workplace is always changing, so the risk to your business change as well. As new equipment, people, and processes are introduced, each brings the risk of a new hazard. Perhaps the new hazard is more widespread like the global pandemic Covid-19. To protect your business and its reputation, you must continually review and update your risk assessment process to stay on top of these new hazards.
By applying the risk assessment steps mentioned above and employing the help of a brand reputation specialist, you should be able to manage any potential risk to your business. Get prepared by completing a thorough risk assessment as a part of a larger business continuity plan. After all, luck favors the prepared!