
Written by EJ Phillips | Aug 27, 2021 5:48:35 PM


EJ Phillips, MPWRSource Content Leader

Beth Abbott, Outbound Growth Developer

Ainsley Thrasher, Client Concierge

If you’ve spent anytime at all in the marketing world or perhaps doing some marketing for your organization, chances are you’ve heard the name HubSpot bandied about. But what is HubSpot exactly? A CRM? An academy? A blog? Yes, to all three and more.

At MPWRSource, it is no secret that we love HubSpot. We use HubSpot to help MPWRSource grow, are a certified HubSpot Solutions Partner, and are eager to share the wealth of knowledge we have about its orange powered CRM and various Hubs.

In this eBook, we will go over what exactly HubSpot is, what you can learn from it, and how each hub can effectively help your business grow.